Did Accelerated Filing Requirements and Sox Section 404 Affect the Timeliness of 10-K Filings?


This paper examines the effect of Sarbanes-Oxley provisions on 10-K filing delays. We find that tightened filing deadlines for accelerated and large accelerated filers are not associated with changes in the incidence of late filing; that Section 404 compliance does not affect filing timeliness for firms with effective internal controls; and that about half the firms with internal control weaknesses file late. As a consequence, many Section 404 material weaknesses trigger negative abnormal returns around late filing notifications. Lastly, market reactions to late filing notifications are more negative when management provides no meaningful explanation for the delay, consistent with incentives to withhold bad news.

In Review of Accounting Studies
Martien Lubberink
Martien Lubberink
Associate professor in Accounting and Capital

Associate Professor Martien Lubberink completed his PhD in Economics at Groningen University. His main research interests are accounting, banking, and capital.